
You’d probably know if your next-door neighbour was going to knock their house down. But you might live in blissful ignorance that your favorite old cinema or pub five streets away will never reopen because its going be converted into luxury flats, until the bulldozers turned up that is.

PlanningAlerts is a free service which searches planning authority websites for development applications in your area and then emails you their details. It could not be simpler, you sign up to the service, specify the location you are interested in and then if any applications are lodged in this area you are sent an email. You can view the applications on a map or even subscribe to a RSS feed. We don’t have the whole country covered yet, but we’re working on it!

So far PlanningAlerts has sent out more than five million (5,000,000) development applications in email alerts!

What people have said about PlanningAlerts

Councils spend a lot of time putting ads in the paper, signs on sites and writing to people but it is not always easy to identify the community of interest for a particular development proposal or approval. I see Planning Alerts as a supplement to the statutory notification we undertake and provides us with greater reach as a result.

— John Carmichael, Director Environment & Planning, Mosman Council

OpenAustralia’s work is at the cutting edge of Open Government in practice both here in Australia and around the world. Through their services, they’re bringing the government closer to the people.

— Reem Abdelaty, Program Director, Local-e, Local Government and Shires Associations of New South Wales

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