Category Archives: Announcement

Why is OpenAustralia not getting updated?

It’s only a temporary affair but OpenAustralia is not getting updated with the latest speeches in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Why? Well, let me explain. It’s been a tumultuous few weeks behind the scenes here. If you use OpenAustralia you’re probably blissfully unaware of some changes that have taken place at the […]

Also posted in Development | 5 Responses

New theme/design has gone live

I came up with the new design several months ago and developed about 80% of it – in fact before OpenAustralia was even launched. However getting the last 20% done took a little while, back and forth, implementing some of the trickier stuff which required getting into the code … and when I looked at […]

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Big thanks to Crikey!

Just want to say a big thank you to Sarah Stokely and the rest of the Crikey! team for providing OpenAustralia with a complimentary one-year subscription to Crikey! which means that we’ll now try and tie in current political news with what’s going on in the Australian Senate and House of Representatives. We’ve been posting […]

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"Are you a lawyer?" update

I mentioned in a previous post how we are looking for some legal help to set up a legal entity with the aim of getting charitable status. The latest news is that the Public Interest Law Clearing House of NSW (PILCH) has reconsidered our application and agreed to help. In the next couple of weeks […]

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The Senate is Here!

To quote the latest news item on Just in time for the next sitting, for your civic pleasure, we bring you the Senate. Read the Senate Hansard as far back as 2006, and get to know those lovely people working on your behalf, the Senators. No bills pass without the say so of the […]

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Interview about OpenAustralia

Read an interview with me by Maxine from WebDirections about OpenAustralia and some of the many ideas we have for its future. WebDirections runs a host of conferences in the area of web development. I’m a little late as this was over two weeks ago but hey, better later than never.

Posted in Announcement | 1 Response

Are you a lawyer?

Are you a lawyer? Can you offer us advice about setting up a legal entity and charitable tax status for OpenAustralia? Setting up a charity under the correct legal status is a complicated business in Australia. We need help. We’re not lawyers ourselves and we want to do this right. OpenAustralia is strictly a non-partisan […]

Posted in Announcement | 1 Response

The Register of Members' Interests is on our doorstep

A copy of the Register of Members’ Interests for the House of Representatives has quite literarily arrived on our doorstep! We can now begin the task of scanning and transcribing. Please contact us at if you want to help with the transcribing. If we get enough people this won’t be too big a task. […]

Posted in Announcement | 1 Response

The Register of Members’ Interests is on our doorstep

A copy of the Register of Members’ Interests for the House of Representatives has quite literarily arrived on our doorstep! We can now begin the task of scanning and transcribing. Please contact us at if you want to help with the transcribing. If we get enough people this won’t be too big a task. […]

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The Register is on its way

The sample volume of the Register of Members’ Interests is in many ways a mundane looking tome. Representatives’ entries look like forms any one of us might fill in. Some standard and diligent, no doubt from years of filling in the same forms with exactly the information requested in the headings, others’ perhaps overly detailed. […]

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