In less than 3 months, over 1.3 million Western Australians will head to the polls to decide their state government for the next 4 years. Voters will soon be bombarded by advertising on TV, radio, billboards and online – that is if it hasn’t already started.
But what about those largely hidden weapons in the fight for your vote – election leaflets. They’re very effective, highly targeted and sometimes deeply bitter. Normally they’re slipped in your mailbox only to be promptly tossed into the recycling bin. What if you could use those to monitor the promises, and sometimes dirty tricks, of the people vying for your vote?
That’s precisely what our Election Leaflets project allows everyone to do but it needs volunteers and supporters to help run it.
The great news is that a civic-minded WA citizen has stepped up to carry out the technical work required to set up the site! This means we can monitor the WA election.
The most important thing to make the project successful will be getting the word out and we’re now searching for other locals interested in lending a hand. Are you from WA or know someone there? Do you want to make a difference before you vote?
Then get in touch to find out more: